Freeze-Dried Petal Blends

  • McLenglish Blend McLenglish Blend

    McLenglish Blend



    McLenglish Blend was a custom blend of colorful rose petals created for Jodi & Michael's Wedding on 10.10.10 in Big Sur, CA | COLOR MAY VARY FROM YOUR MONITORThey are a remarkable special couple...Talk about a spectacular, sacred location & an...

  • Kelsey's Blend Preserved Freeze Dried Rose Petals

    Flyboy Naturals

    Kelsey's Blend Preserved Freeze Dried Rose Petals

    $42.25 - $538.25


    Kelsey's Blend Preserved Freeze Dried Rose Petals-FragrantA wonderful blend created by the owners neice, Kelsey!A sophisticated & elegant blend of ivory and crimson bouquet petals This is a wonderful option for special events, winter weddings,...

  • Bright Blend Preserved Freeze Dried Rose Petals

    Flyboy Naturals

    Bright Blend Preserved Freeze Dried Rose Petals



    Bright Blend Preserved Freeze Dried Rose PetalsA sophisticated blend of ASSORTED COLORS of rose petalsThey are stunning...ideal for weddings & special eventsApproximately 45 per cup 15 cups = 675 petals 30 cups = 1,530 petals 60 cups = 3,000 petals...

  • Assorted FLOWER Preserved Freeze Dried Petal Blend

    Flyboy Naturals

    Assorted FLOWER Preserved Freeze Dried Petal Blend



    Our Eco-friendly, Assorted Flower Petals Blend is a carefully chosen blend of freeze-dried petals, crafted to capture a whimsical, fairytale ambience to events. Voluptuous rose petals fill the blend with silky, princess pinks and velvety, sensuous reds,...

  • Sale
    Marsala Blend of rose petals | 120 cups

    Marsala Blend of rose petals | 120 cups

    MSRP: $296.75
    Was: $296.75


    Overstock sale on our eco-friendly rose petals in rich Marsala colors...Blend may include Red rose petals, cranberry rose petals, burgundy rose petals, merlot rose petals, marsala rose petals... A really stunning blend of petals.  Additional...

  • "BB" Sunset Preserved Freeze Dried Blend Rose Petals

    Flyboy Naturals

    "BB" Sunset Blend Rose Petals

    $34.95 - $459.95


    "BB" Sunset blend of rose petals is a great blend of imperfect petals that have been preserved with Freeze-Drying. The colors in this blend range from ivory rose petals, yellow rose petals, orange rose petals, russet rose petals, red rose petals,...

  • "BB" Sweetheart Preserved Freeze Dried Petal Blend

    Flyboy Naturals

    "BB" Sweetheart Blend of Preserved Freeze Dried Petals

    $30.25 - $399.95


    Our "BB" Sweetheart Blend of rose petals are also preserved with Freeze Drying which makes them very long lasting.  Colors are ivory, shades of deep pink, deep reds to burgundy.  Some of the petals are slightly imperfect making them super...