Sunset Blend Preserved Freeze Dried Rose Petals...medium to large size rose petals make up this gorgeous blend.
A Stunning blend of colorful rose petals for Weddings, for your guests to toss when you walk back down the aisle & decorating the sides of your aisle or creating a pattern down the center. Having an evening event or sunset wedding...this might be the perfect choice for you!
The sunset blend freeze dried rose petals is fantastic! Includes ivory, yellow rose petals, orange gingersnap ,red-orange marina, bridal reds, showbiz petals and crimson bouquet burgundy rose petals.
Colors will vary depending on the is awesome everytime! The blend is very similiar to the photo above with yellow rose petals, ivory rose petals, marina rose petals, hot-n-spicy rose petals, hot cocoa rose petals,
showbiz rose petals and bridal red rose petals to heat it up!
Approximately 55 per cup
15 cups = 825 petals
30 cups = 1870 petals
60 cups = 3,630 petals
120 cups = 7,040 petals
240 cups = 13,750 petals
300 cups = 16,500 petals. Approximate weight 4-5lbs
Non-staining, Not slippery, all natural, eco-friendly, bio-degradable & affordable rose petals!
1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Beautiful and colorful
Petals shipped quickly and looked just like the pictures (and they smell great too). Can't wait to use them for our elopment