Fragrant Plum Preserved Freeze Dried Rose Petals
A stunning color ranges from Amethyst to dusty Lavender color
Large petals which show up so well in the photos making them
perfect for parties, celebration of life events, weddings & corporate events!
Approximately 20 per cup
15 cups = 300 petals
30 cups = 680 petals
60 cups = 1,320 petals
120 free = 2,560 petals
240 cups = 5,000 petals
300 cups = 6,000 petals. Approximate weight 4-5lbs
Non-staining, Not slippery, all natural, eco-friendly, bio-degradable & affordable!
Flyboy's petals are the preferred choice of most venues & event planners!
1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Quantity less than expected!
I purchased petals for an upcoming wedding and received fewer than expected. I thought this would be a less expensive alternative to fresh. Petals are also alot smaller than shown on website. I