Celebrate Pine Park

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2006 October. Celebrate Pine Park- Carlsbad, CA Click on photo for a larger image.

"Thanks again for all your assistance in getting the flower petals. They were a huge hit with the community as you can see by the photo. Each person that was at the event received a clear bag with the flower petals, mini invitation, and flower seeds to plant. People threw the petals in the air, plus we had a cannon that we put them in with confetti and streamers. Very colorful as you can see!!!! Prior to the cutting I had written up a little custom/tradition information that we read to the public. It really tied the whole event together and made all feel a part of it. Thank you again for such beautiful petals and service. I have you in my rolodex now!" Bonnie Bonnie L. Elliott Recreation Area Manager - Harding & Special Events Carlsbad, CA CREATING COMMUNITY THROUGH PEOPLE, PARKS AND PROGRAMS This is really neet so we opted to include it for others that might like to use it someday for a special occasion. * * * * * * * * * * "Flowers have fascinated mankind throughout history because of their varied beauty and fragrances. The Customs and Traditions associated with Flowers go back beyond recorded history. Perhaps the oldest Custom; more than 50,000 years, is the use of Flowers as a sign of remembrance and respect. Also, in ancient communities, it is believed that strong smelling herbs and spices, along with the use of flowers would ward off and drive away evil spirits, bad luck and ill health. So today, as a community we have will keep these customs and traditions alive. If you are interested in joining us in warding off and driving away evil spirits and bad luck, plus wanting to embrace the community spirit and respect of today’s celebration, please receive a remembrance bag from staff. These bags are filled with a miniature Pine Avenue Park Grand Opening invitation and flower seeds to plant so you may remember this festive occasion. As the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission cuts the ceremonial flower chain, we would like you to throw your flower petals in the air. Please add your own silent wish for the Park to assist them with this tradition." We will count down from 3….