Real Wedding Lauren and Joe

Real Wedding Lauren and Joe

Congratulations to Lauren & Joe on tying the knot! Just look at this sweet couple and the stunning surroundings for their outdoor wedding. Swoon Worthy for sure!  They chose a lovely yellow rose petal for their exit toss. This is what they had to say about their Flyboy Naturals Rose Petal experience. 

"Just came across our receipt and wanted to share some pics of how we used the petals : ) They were absolutely perfect!  Thank you, we loved our petal toss ceremony exit ❤ 

Yellow rose petals


BOGO Soft Yellow Petals

Our wedding was August 27th 2021 at The Market at Grelen in Somerset, Virginia. 

I thought of one more photo that had the petals in it, hope it's helpful."   Sincerely, Lauren and Joe Cusimano 

Our photographer was Kyra Gustwick

Posted by Flyboy Naturals on 1st Apr 2022